Friday, September 20, 2013

Photo Manipulation and Ethics

The main point of this story is that photo manipulation is more of a big deal and many people are actually getting fired for manipulating photos in the wrong essence. There is an April Fool's Day theme occurring where places in the middle east and beyond post a digital manipulation on the first of April. Digital manipulators are paying the consequences for their work, but too many of them have manipulated photos and not all are caught. Its an epidemic occurring and even though photo manipulation is used to make photos look better, its being abused and not much is being done about that. I think this type of photo editing is unethical because when you edit a photo to take someone out or make it appear to be something its not, then its considered not truth full to the public.
I consider this photo to be the least unethical because just adjusting the women's teeth to make them appear more appealing then they really are isn't a big offense to her and doesn't cause an public suspicion

I consider to be the most unethical because the post says that Bush and Hussein were in a debate but in actuality they never debated so the photo may start political and public abrupt.

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